Project Proposal

 For the final project, I came up with a few project ideas because I struggled with making one single definitive decision. I have them in order of how much I want to do them.

  1. Cyanotype Project- My top choice is creating large-scale cyanotypes with other prints that supplement the cyanotypes. I plan to experiment with the subject matter a bit. I also wanted to do the project in an environment where I could play with the lighting and also utilize sound to create a sensory environment. Also, most of the art I do is fairly small in size so this will allow me to create some larger pieces.

  1. Harry Potter Door- The second option that I am also interested in is filling the space under the stairs with a bunch of photos. Possibly of the house or people or anything. I also would like to involve sound and light in this project as well. The issue with this project was that it is off campus and I wanted my project to be viewed in person by not just the people in the class but other Lawrence folks as well.


  1. Cardboard Sculpture- the third and final project idea I had was creating a sculpture of a tower out of a bunch of cardboard I had found and scavenged (hoarded) over the past couple of weeks. In the tower, I would want to create tiny rooms inside of the tower giving their own distinct space. I am fascinated with the idea of a space within another space.


  1. Caleb! I love the cyanotype idea a lot, I agree that I see a lot of smaller cyanotypes, so I would love to see what larger pieces would look like. I'm curious about what like your overarching theme or idea you want to explore would be. Is there a question you're trying to answer or raise or a feeling you're trying to capture? I mentioned this in class but I think that cyanotypes have a lot of particular connections to light and dark, shadows, time, the sun, so I wonder what all in that you want to focus on and draw out. In class there was also talk about doing the piece really publicly, I wonder how showing the process vs the product would feel different, and where you do it in a small controlled space with ambient music or somewhere more public. Excited to see how it turns out!


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